I think my biggest surprise was my priorities changing. I thought I would be the same person, just with a baby. But that wasn’t the case. It’s definitely an adjustment. I hope you give yourself time and grace for it. I’m excited for your new adventure (all the ups and downs 😅😊)

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Although I always knew I wanted to be a mom, I was truly shocked at how much actually being a mom did not come natural to me. In the early days, I struggled with breastfeeding and was utterly exhausted - I couldn't understand why anyone would want to have a child more than once.

But, things got better and better. I fell deeply in love with my first baby and pushed through several miscarriages to have a second. We definitely did not anticipate that our second child would have significant special needs.

Some days can be really hard, but what I will say is I've long since given up on trying to excel at motherhood. I try my best and try to soak up moments of joy wherever I can find them. My girls have given me peace and purpose beyond anything I'd ever experienced before. I wish the same for you my friend <3.

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