Jun 23, 2022Liked by Joelle

Needing to make the “right” choice totally resonates. As we’ve gotten older, there’s more to lose when taking risks or making a big change - risking the stability that has been built, maybe the income one relies on, and once a “happy” place has been reached it’s difficult to see past that and remember that the happy or the comfortable isn’t unique to that one place in life.

Keep ideating! There’s support behind you on whichever mountain you decide to climb🤍

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I can completely relate to this post! I have all kinds of goals that I've slowly let slip away as I've gotten older. I guess sometimes it's easier to be content with what you have than to constantly desire more. But it's never too late! And, at the same time, remember all of the goals you HAVE accomplished, however slowly or quietly. You are doing great, my friend.

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